Fuming and smoking are both chemical agents which reacts with the upper tannins of the timber that enhances the beauty and grain of the timber.
Fuming and Smoking
Contemporary Darken Design
Fuming and smoking are both methods where- similar to staining timber- the timber results darker than its original colour.
The difference is that staining is a dye application, and fuming is a chemical solution which reacts with the tannin within the timber which changes it to a richer darkened result.
Fuming vs Smoking
Fuming and smoking are both methods where- similar to staining timber- the timber results darker than its original colour.
The difference is that staining is a dye application, and fuming is a chemical solution which reacts with the tannin within the timber which changes it to a richer darkened result.
Client Considerations
Expectations should be set, that fuming and smoking techniques require high levels of expertise and consideration. As it is a chemical reaction, the original timber quality and characteristics has a greater affect on its final product compared to dye applied techniques such as staining.
Thus, we ask our clients to understand that each timber changes depending in its original characteristics and perfect uniform consistency might not be achieved.
If you are wishing to fume/ smoke your timber flooring, please let us know your vision as we have the experience and expertise. If consistency, or other options are available we would do our best to provide counsel on your upcoming project.